My Top 8 Travel Tips

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Whether it’s a quick 2 hour flight, or a 14 hour flight from one side of the earth to the other – you’ll want to be prepared! So, I’d like to share my top 8 travel tips with you :).

The first time I got on a plane, I was about 8 years old. At that age, I had everything packed and figured out for me. The only thing I had to worry about was staying sane (because you know, 8 old kids are sometimes difficult and get bored easily).

Anyway! Being an adult now, I certainly have to take these matters into my own hands. Getting the packing list together, and just remaining open minded. I’ve learned some things after a few trips and picked up a few tips.

These tips will hopefully keep you sane, comfortable and relaxed until you get to your destination.

8 travel tips

Be patient and flexible:
I don’t think i’ve ever gotten on a plane right at the time I was supposed to. One time, I missed my flight altogether and had to stay in Germany for a day.

Be nice and considerate:
If you’re on an 8 hour flight, so is everyone else around you… Obviously.

Download music and/or movies/shows to your phone:
I downloaded movies and shows on my iPad mini using the Netflix app. I also downloaded music on Spotify and then used offline mode. Don’t forget your headphones or earbuds!

Don’t wear makeup:
Skin always feels wonky after a flight. Just bring some lotion. 

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Wear comfortable clothes and shoes:
I personally love to wear running shoes, yoga pants and a sweater while I’m on a plane.

A battery pack:
My Insignia power pack  (charges your phone 4x) for my phone is a life saver on those long trips (Toronto > Europe ends up being 20 hours of travel in total).

Pack a snack or two:
I don’t typically have much of an appetite when I’m on a plane, but it’s good to have a snack just in case. Another reason for a snack, is if the airplane food isn’t the tastiest.

Pack some ibuprofen/Advil:
Just in case your stomach starts to hurt, or if you want to sleep on the plane (Tylenol PM).

Is it time to plan your next adventure? If you do have a trip planned already, let me know in the comments below where you’re headed to + download my FREE travel journal! 

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