6 Habits to Implement to Have a Happier and Healthier Life

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Happiness isn’t difficult to achieve, if you truly want it. And if you truly want it, then you’ll be willing to make some simple changes in your life. A few years ago, I came across a list of habits that need to be implemented in order to be happy. Since I found that list, I adjusted it a bit and chose the ones that are most important to me.

Some of these can be fairly difficult for some, but all you have to do is try.


Number 1 | Don’t complain

There is no need to be vocal (and think about) about every little thing that might be out of place, or about some person who may or may not have said something or thought something. Just do your best, and focus on yourself. There is a solution to everything, so why complain about it.


Number 2 | Be active

Keep your body moving. I’m not saying you need to do a 1 hour hard core workout every day (although you should of course if you wanted to). Just don’t sit on your ass all day. If you’re able to, you should be moving around. Even if you’re watching a video, movie, etc, you can keep your blood flowing.


Number 3 | Stop chasing monetary happiness

It’s not real. Sure, it’s nice to have money and buy things you need and want. But you need more than that, and should strive for me. Always start with the “why” when you’re working some place, or starting your own company.

Why are you doing it? How are you contributing? Do you feel good about it? The pay-check should be one of the last things you think about. It’s important, you know, because money rules the world.. But the money itself isn’t the dream you want to achieve.

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Number 4 | Don’t let others determine how you will live your life

This one might be the most difficult. Personally coming from a westernized, capitalistic society, you easily become a professional consumer. Just remember that you are in control, you make decisions.

There might be certain things that are determined for you and you don’t have an opportunity to escape those things. However, there is plenty that you DO have control over – you might just have to shift your perspective to realize it. 


How to be happier and healthier. Happiness isn’t difficult to achieve, if you truly want it. And if you truly want it, then you’ll be willing to make some simple changes in your life. I'll share my 6 top tips for habits you can start to implement in you life right away! #lifestyle #blogger #mindfulness #happy #healthy #travel

Number 5 | Ask for help when you need it

There should be no shame in asking someone for help, or talking through an issue that you’re having. You can’t know every single little thing, and you shouldn’t.. You should always be learning and growing. And that learning and growing can be done with others, as a community.


Number 6 | Spend time with the right people

Surround yourself, and talk to people who are a positive influence on you and are open minded. This might be hard to find sometimes, I know. So when you do find them; appreciate them. Invest in them. Stand up for them. Love them. After all, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.


The most important part of all this, is to keep in mind that you are responsible for your own happiness and health. You make the calls, the changes, and mindset shifts. Do you have any other habits that you’d like to add? Let me know in the comments! 

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