How to Plan Your First Solo Travel Trip

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You’re likely here because you want to know how to plan your first solo travel trip, right? So the questions are.. How do you travel by yourself? What do you need to consider? What should be in my checklist? Well, I’ll tell ya 🙂
FYI – There will be a few links in this post, but I’m not affiliated with any of them. I just like to suggest good apps/sites that I personally use.

Here are the 5 things I plan out before I take a solo travel trip:



I’ll book an Airbnb, or a hostel bed. I think booking this advance rather than day-of is smart. You know you will have a bed to sleep in, and that’s really the most important part.


Book your flight, or buy your bus/train ticket. That’s really your starting point, because then you can plan everything else around the date/time you arrive at your destination.

Research the cost of food and drinks

All places are different, especially touristy areas vs not so touristy. This is more budget related for me, at least. I don’t like to splurge a lot on food and drinks, so I look up prices to prepare myself for how much I’ll need for breakfast + snacks + dinner.
Budget Your Trip is easy to use but there are lots of sites you can find on Google.

Find activities to do

Of course! This is the best part of travelling solo – you get to do whatever the heck you want!!! You don’t have to ask the rest of your group, “So, what do you all feel like doing?” My favourite is the
Hop on Hop off bus tours (if you don’t find what you need there, just google hop on hop off and the name of the city you’re going to). Many places have them, and they’re really ideal for day 1 or 2 when you’re just getting to know the area.

Put all the above details in one place

I’m kind of obsessed with organizing my trips, of any kind. Yup that means I’m going to pull out Excel or Google Sheets.
Trello is also great for planning trips! You can plop in some pretty pictures of where you’re going, links to where you’ll be staying, Add the PDFs of bus routes, or addresses for your activities.

SO – now that you have a bed reserved, budgeted the trip, and you know what fun stuff you’ll do… here are some other quick tips to consider when you’re travelling alone.

You need to make yourself blend in
 but how do you do that exactly?

Have you always wanted to travel alone, but not sure how to do it? A solo trip for women can be scary, especially the first time - but it doesn't have to be! Go ahead a pick some destinations, and I'll help you make it happen with some tips and tricks! Pin and grab my FREE travel journal for your next trip :) #travel #journal #solotrip #travelforwomen #planatrip #blogger
Download google maps on your phone, and have the offline maps ready to go before your trip. This way, you don’t need to worry about how you’re going to get places. It makes you feel safer, and makes you look less lost.. aka like a tourist.
Do your research about where you’re going. Understand the culture and how to be respectful towards the locals. There are some really great ‘travel cheat sheets’ on Pinterest for many places. These include general etiquette, and some words/phrases in the local language that you could use.

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Carry your backpack and purse in front, so that you can see your stuff and pockets are close by. These pockets are for your passport, money, etc. You will want to keep an eye on these things!

Speaking of money – keep your cash in different places. Let’s say your purse DOES get stolen, you’ll still have a stash of money in your bag or somewhere else if you kept it in different spots.

Find a hostel, or book it in advance. Understand that hostels aren’t that scary. If anything, they’re safer because there are more eyes around. Plus, everyone is there for the same reason! PS HostelWorld is the app I use, and you haaave to check it out. It’s like like the Airbnb app, but for hostels.

Keep money aside for safety – such as a taxi to get to places at night time.

That about covers it – I think you’re ready for your solo trip! Did I miss anything? Comment below with your tips :).

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